Thursday, October 14, 2010

Don't Forget! Saturday Oct. 16th

Nachalat Binyamin
Tel Aviv

People from all over the world will be sketching today.  I will be at
 LovEat on 3 Nachalat Binyamin a little before 9 a.m. this coming Saturday morning for coffee.  Come any time, we will be around into the afternoon. We have an assortment of people who will be sketching - with all different levels of experience, so bring a pencil and paper, or whatever and join us.

If you will email me and let me know you are coming, I will send you my cell phone number, in case you want to double check where we are.  I think we will be pretty obvious. 
 There is plenty of parking on the west side on Allenby on the side streets on Saturday.

When we are finished, we will photograph the drawings and you can see them here or on the Worldwide Sketch Crawl site.

Please come!!

1 comment:

Arti said...

Hope you have a great time!